Over-Millennium Syukuyo Astrology is Japanese astrology based on Asian traditional astrology and present real examples.

Over-Millennium Syukuyo Astrology

Celebrities'compatibility Examples compatibility of Ankai

Trump ,Marla Maple and Tiffany compatibility is “Ankai triangle” very peculiarthree



This group’s dominate compatibility is Yusui(Green line).



Donald Trump,Marla Maples and Tiffany Trump.
This ex-couple and parent-child pairs with a triangle of Ankai compatibilities mutual ties.Compatibilities among them are all Ankai.
Ankai compatibility creates a very strong bond. However, there are many cases where they end up exhausted by their intense emotions.

Donald Trump is a person who has a deep connection with Ankai. His family with ex-wife Ivana also has a lot of Ankai.

There is little variation in compatibility within a family or group, and seeing consistent compatibility in many places.This often happens among celebrities and successful people.

電子書籍 21世紀型オーバーミレニアム宿曜占星術

-Celebrities'compatibility Examples, compatibility of Ankai
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