Over-Millennium Syukuyo Astrology is Japanese astrology based on Asian traditional astrology and present real examples.

Over-Millennium Syukuyo Astrology

Celebrities'compatibility Examples compatibility of Yusui

Trump ,Melania and Barron compatibility is “Yusui Pyramid” a peculiarthree



This group’s dominate compatibility is Yusui(Green line).



Donald Trump,Melania Trump and Barron Trump.
This parent-child pairs with a pyramid of Yusui compatibilities mutual ties (Yusui-Pyramid) with Melania at the top.

“Yusui” is a “compatibility toward Heaven or Hell” that can take someone to the top or drop them to the bottom.
Extremely drastic compatibility with a huge difference between being at the top or at the bottom.

It is likely the miraculous power of Yusui that allowed Trump, who has no experience as a politician, to suddenly become the pinnacle of politics, “president.”

電子書籍 21世紀型オーバーミレニアム宿曜占星術

-Celebrities'compatibility Examples, compatibility of Yusui
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