Over-Millennium Syukuyo Astrology is Japanese astrology based on Asian traditional astrology and present real examples.

Over-Millennium Syukuyo Astrology

Shukuyo astrology is a traditional Eastern style of divination passed down in Japan.
Especially compatibility fortune telling is accurate.
Our Over-millennium Shukuyo Astrology is based on numerous real-life examples and has been updated for modern society.

you and your family/ frineds astrology Yadozu-Map for free

"Yadozu-Map" is a relationship chart we invented that shows the compatibility of up to 10 people at a glance.
Even though we have the exact same birthday, our fortunes are different.
It happens very often.
Why? the reason is difference of birth time?
difference of previous life?
The reason for this is that compatibility with the people around yourself.
"Yadozu-Map" show you how compatibility with your family and the groups you belong to affects your fortune and personality.

There are two different types of Yadozu-Map."reelational Map" and "tree diagram Map"
You can make your favorite Yadozu-Map from the follow buttons.
Relational Yadozu-Map
You can see the compatibility of groups of up to 10 people in a correlated manner. You can get a sense of the strength and tendencies of the group's overall luck.
Tree Yadozu-Map
This is tree diagram map.You can see the compatibility of up to 9 people at once. You can also see the impact of past compatibility experiences on your personality.

Over-Millennium Syukuyo Astrology evaluate traditional Japanese Astrology compatibility based on actual data from modern society.

The method of fortune telling and personality diagnosis on this site based on compatibility with the people around you was devised by Gozan Reika.About us

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